On the 17th inst. in Portman Square, the Countess of CHICHESTER, of a daughter. On time 17th inst. at the Banger's Lodge, Oxfordshire, Lady GRANVILLE SOMERSET, of a son.
On the 15th inst. at Bonehill, Staffordshire, Lady JANE PEEL, of a daughter. On the 13th inst. at the Crescent, Birmingham, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES E cmtrasn in, of a daughter. On time 25th October, at Bishop's Court, Barbados, the Lady of the Right Rev. the Bishop of BARRA vos, of a son. On the 19th inst. at Sandwell, Staffordshire, the Countess of DARTMOUTH, of a son. On the 18th inst. at Harrington House, Whitehall, the Countess of Mumma/oil, of a son.
On the 21st inst. at Ponds Castle, Lady LUCY CLva, of a daughter.
At the Cape of Good Hope., by special licence, on the 17th of October, by the Rev. B. C. Goodison, Chaplain -to the Forces, W. M. FORD Esq. Assistant-Surgeon in his Ma- jesty's 72nd Highlanders, to HENRIETTA Bums, eldest daughter of W. A. Davies, Esq. M.D. of the Honourable East India Company's Service. On the 13th inst. at Paris, at the British Embassy, by the Right Rev. Bishop Los- &sob% Capt. ARCHIBALD SYLBRA LOGAN, of the Madras Army, fourth son of Walter Logan, Esq. of Eingleton„Renfrewshire, to FANNY, second daughter or the late ROW IL T.Harris,of the Madras-Civil Sero.lee.. On the 20th inst. at Kettsink;ton, the Rev. T. S. EVANS, Head Master of the Proprie- tary Grammar School of Kensington, to JANE, only daughter of John Merriman, Esq.
of Kensington Square.
On the 20th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Sir louse MONTAGUE BURGOYNE, Bart. Grenadier Regiment of -Foot Guards, of Sutton Park, Bedfordshire, to MARY HAttairr, daughter of Colonel Gore Langton, M.P. of Newton Park, Somerset; On the 20th inst. at Shepperton, CHARLES SHAKERLEY, Esq. of Park Place, Berks, eldest son of Charles Watkin Shakerley, Esq. of Shakerley, Lancashire, and Somerford Park, Cheshire, to JESSIE MATILDA, daughter of James Scott, Esq. of the Manor House,
Shepperton. DEATHS.
On the 15th inst. at his father's residence, in Sussex Place, Regent's Park, Jolts HUGH LOCKHART, eldest son of J. G. Lockhart, Esq.; in his 11th year. His name is connected with our literature, as being the little fellow-Hugh Little John, as his grandfather playfully called him-to whom Sir Walter Scott addressed his Tales of a
On the 16th inst. in Harley Street, in his 43rd year, the Hon. JAMES BERKELEY RODNEY, late Lieut.-Col. 3a Guards, brother to Lord Rodney. On the 18th inst. Mrs. CAPEL, wife of John Capel, Esq. M.P. of Russell Square. On the 18th inst. in his 62nd year, the Rev. WILLIAM GEORGE GARRETT, Of Conduit
On the 17th inst. in her 37th year, ELIZABET/I, eldest daughter of Sir Timothy Shel-
ley, Bart. of Field Place, Horsham.
On the 18th inst. at Tatton Park, in Cheshire, in his 17th year, MARK, the fourth son of Wilbraham Egerton, Esq. On the 18th inst. in Spring Gardens, Mrs. FORD, Widow of the late Henry Ford, LL.D. Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford.
Lately, at Plasnewydd, near Llangollen, North Wales, at an advanced age, Miss
On the 16th inst. at her house in Baker Street, in her 83rd year, SARAH, the widow o the late Dr. Parry, of Bath, and mother to Capt. Sir Edward Parry, of theRoyal Navy On the 20th inst, at her residence at Beaconsfield, Bucks, the Countess of ORKNEY in Irm 76th year. On the 15th of July, on his passage from Madras, Sir GEORGE RICKETTS. On the 20th inst. at Taplow Court, the infant son of Viscount KIRKWALL.