24 DECEMBER 1831, Page 5


TIIE KING is as well as his Reforming subjects could wish him : for his Non-Reforming subjects, we believe the news which, in their excess of loyalty, they most ardently pray for, is not exactly the King's health. The prayer causeless shall not fall. His -Majesty spends his holyday-time at the Brighton Pavilion. The le.-tivities of Christmas will have commenced in that gay and glittering abode before these lines can reach it—may they be as pleasant in enjoyment and reflection as the honest heart of its royal and noble master well deserves they should be ! The Queen has been affected with a slight cold, but is now better. Earl Grey spends a day or two with the Royal party ; most of the other members of the Cabinet Will enjoy themselves at Godwood. In homely phrase, we wish them a merry Christmas, a happy New-year, and many returns of both.