A deputation from the. Town-Council of Windsor waited upon the
Ecclesiastical Commissioners on Thursday, to complain of certain mis- -appropriation of the revenues of the Chapel Royal of St. George at Wind.- eor. Mr. Darvill, as the spokesman of the deputation, pointed out that 46,0001. had been paid over to the Commissioners, being the proceeds of
the suppressed Canonries of St. George's Chapel ; that they had no right to these revenues, as the property belonged to the Chapel, which was not an ecclesiastical but a military foundation—a part and parcel of the miss tary Order of the Garter. Mr. Darvill also said that 20,0001. had bees paid for the repair of the lower ward of Windsor Castle out of the public funds, instead of the properties of the Royal Chapel. The Commission- ers said, they only received surplus funds, and had no management of the property : the Crown alone has power to put the matter on a satisfactory basis, because no court has jurisdiction over the Order of the Garter.