Ffirrign 3trinntana.
1TheFrench Emperor has named Prince Napoleon President of the Exhi- bitioss of' 1855. -BY-deeree the Emperor has named the Abbe Gerbet, Honorary Vicar-Ge- neral of Paris and......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, December 20. • PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. — South Coast Patent Brick Comparly , , .Eling. Hamp- shire; as far as regards B. Samuelson — Owners of Westerton Colliery,......
On the 19th October, at Sylhet, Bengal, the Wife of Colonel Finnis, Thirty-eighth Regiment Light Infantry, of a daughter. On the 2d November, at Bawul Nodes, in the Punjab, the......
Military Gazette.
WAR-oreics, Dec. 23.-2d Regt. Drag. Guards—LieuL M. J. B. Dyne, from the 10th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Clements, appointed to the 15th Light Drags, 3d Drag. Guards—Cornet......