Business in the market for English Securities has been dull, transactions showing a disposition to sell for realization. Consols were first quoted 951 954 ex. dividend, but receded during the morning to 951 954, since which time the quotation has alternately been 951 951. A decline of rather more than 1 per cent yesterday on the Paris Bourse caused a depression here in the afternoon ; the market had previously been firm. The pamphlet of M. de la Guerroniero, published in Paris, was received with satisfaction, and created steadiness and firmness, again this morning to be followed by dullness: in the afternoon Consols were 951 9.54 but close 954 954. No especial cause is given for the prevailing heaviness, unless it be absence of business usual at this season ; otherwise there would seem to be everything calculated to in- duce purchases ; however, the sales have preponderated, and Consols leave off with a drooping appearance 951 951. Money has been in tolerable demand from 2 to 21 per cent. Indian debentures of 1858 and 1859, 97k 981; Bank Stock, 226 228.
The chief feature of the Foreign Stock Market has been the decline in Turkish, imou the statement that the Ottoman Government were about to place 400,0001. or 500,0001. stock on the market. The Old Six per Cents finally close, after being considerably worse, about 1 percent lower, 761 77; and the New Ditto about 2 per cent, 634 64; Buenos Ayres, 77 79; Ditto Three per Cent, 19 20; Brazilian, 93 94 ; Mexican have been 22f buyers, but arc fiat today at 224 224; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents sta- tionary, 911 924- ; Ditto three per Cents, 70 71Ditto Uribarren, 83 84 ; Venezuela, 281 29 ; Grenada Active, 161 171; Victor Emmanuel, 95 96 ;
Sardinian, 8.5 86; Russian Five per Cents, 109 110 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 104 106 ; Ditto Four-and-half per Cents, 88 89; Spanish has been com- paratively quiet, 45 451f and Portuguese, 46 461e Things are a shade firmer at the close, but there is really very little doing. Railway Shares have shown heaviness from the commencement of the week, and the last prices of Great Western are, 68169; London and North Western, 974 98 ; -London and South-Western, 97 971; and Lancashire and Yorkshire each show a fall of 1 per cent ; in other things the decline ranges between # and 1 per cent. Berwick, 941 95; North British, 62 621; Chester and Holyhead, 501 54:4 ; Caledonian, 93 934; Great Northern, 106 107. This dulness takes place in face of the most favourable traffic returns, and can only be attributed to sympathy with Consols, or sales to close old accounts before the end of the year. Eastern Counties Stock leaves off 59 59t ; London and Blackwell, 644 651; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 38 381; North Staffordshire, 4 34 discount.
The settling in the Ocean Marine Company's Shares took place today ; the last quotation is lk 14. The Universal McKim Shares are not yet allotted, but the list of applications was closed on Wednesday last ; there has been a good deal of business transacted, but a fall of more than from the highest point has occurred, there being buyers at one time at prem. ; they close k
prem. The San Paulo (Brazilian) Railway, introduced by Messrs. Roths- child, has attracted considerable attention, but the prem. of I or 1 per cent has not been maintained, the last price being 5 I prem. The list closes to- night.
fhe French Market is steady. It is reported that a dividend of 16 per cent will be paid on the Lombardo-Venetian Shares, the quotation for winch is 24 3 prem. Paris and Lyons are likewise good, 37 374.; Northern of France, 381 39. Indian Stocks and Shares arc firm, in anticipation of the approaching dividends and the improved tone of feeling about Indian finance Which encourages purchases.
It has been decided by the Committee that the Stock Exchange shall be closed on Monday next.
The tone of the markets all round is decidedly firmer this morning. Con- sols 951. Mexican is quoted 22122e, with most Foreign Stocks better. The leading description of Railway Shares average t per cent improvement.