News Of The Week.
HAVE we not passed the shortest day ? Are not the clouds which have hung over. Europe beginning to break ? Are not the leading intelligences of the political world getting the......
By The Ordinary Channels Of Information We Have A Report
of the proposal made by General Scott to Governor Douglas for the joint occupation of the island of San Juan. The General pro- poses that each party shall place a small guard of......
Leading Members Of The Catholic Laity In Ireland Are Coming
forward to show that they are not carried away by vulgar and ignorant prejudices. mt. John Ballpthe late Under-Secre- tary for the CdhAfies,lias bet okett'a'meaFrate Ittid fat......
The Spanish Army Is In Africa. This Is Almost A
correct summary of the war in Morocco. Marshal O'Donnell's troops, 40,000 strong, occupy certain wooded heights south-west of Ceuta, having the fortified pensinsula on which......