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A long series of theatrical treats is offered this year for the recreation of that large multitude which, differing from the Dean of Carlisle, asso- ciates pantomime and burlesque with the due celebration of Christmas, and great is the blaze of fantastic splendour appointed to burst upon the London :public cn Monday next. At Drury Lane, the coming panto- mime, which will be enriched by the pencil of Beverley, and enlivened ss usual by a double troop of artists, is called Jack and the Beanstalk, or Harlequin Leap-year and the -Verky Pranks of the Good Little People. At Covent "Garden, it is said, more than ordinary attention will be paid to the holiday entertainment, and high expectations are raised with re- spect to the pantomime, Pass in Boots, in which Mr. W. H. Payne will play one of the principal parts. The Haymarket, where the family Le- elerq are engaged as staple pantomimists, and Mr. Fenton is painter, puts forth the sentimental title, Valentine's .Day, or Harlequin and the _Fairy of Me Trueslever's Knot. At the Princess's, the pantomime will be faek the Giant-killer, or Harlequin King Arthur and the Knights of the RoUnd Table, the character of Jack in the introduction to be played by Miss Louisa Keeley. At the Lyceum, mention is made of King 2 hrushbeard, or Harlequin RUA and the Fairy Good-humour, and a splen- did transfiguration scene by Mr. W. Calcott is announced. At the St. James's, the new pantomime, entitled. Punch and Judy, or Harlequin and the Fairy of the Crystal awes, win be brought out tonir,ht,:in anticipation of Christmas.
At the Adelphi, the Olympic, and the Strand, burlesque is the order of the day. Mr. Byron supplies the first with an extravaganza, called The Nymphs of Me LurlitbSrg. Mr. R. B. Brough furnishes the second with a'grotesque history of Alfred the Great, in which Mr. Robson will sustain the thief personage ; the third receives from Mr. F. Talfourd a parody of the old Helvetic legend, entitled Tell, or the Strike of the Cantons.
The suburban and transpontine bill of fare is as follows : Sadler's Wells produces Harlequin Bans and the Golden Goose ; Astley's, Harle- quin Teas Moody ; the Surrey, Harlequin King Holiday ; and the Stand- en!, _Vary, .1fary,:quite Contrary.