24 DECEMBER 1864, Page 21


John Russell Smith.—Thom's Notelets on Shakespeare. Hooper and Cull.—Royal Insurance Company's Almanack.

Saunders, Otley, and Co.—The Lay of the Alabama.

Routledge, Warne, and Ca—The Victoria History of England, I, A. B. Thompson.

Macmillan and Co.—Married Beileath Him, by the Author of Lost Sir Massing. bard. 3 vole.

Chapman and Hall.--113e St. Germain Legends, by J. T. D. S. Germain. (Iroombridge and Sons.--ao-day, by John Hallingshead. Ballantyne.—Lord Bacon not ' the Author of The Paradoxes, by Herbert Palmer. T. C. Newby.—Fortune's Football, by \V. Ogden Meeker. 4 vols. Sampson Low, Son, and Ca.—Last Gleanings, by Frank Fowler. Whitfield, Green. and Co.—PencIllIngs of Beauty, by Edward Whitfield. Dean and Son.—Harry,' lYhat Ile Saw and What He Did Not SJe; Daddy's Makings.

Deighton, Bell, and Co.—Lucretius, by HA. J.Munro. Vols. L and II.; Furies°.

John Murray.—The English Gentle- man's House, by Robert Kerr; Ephemera, by Lord Lyttelton. Tinsley Brothers.—George Geith of Fencourt, by F. J. Trafford; Todleben' s Defence of Sebastopol, by William H. Russell. Sunpkin, Marshall, and Co.—Poems, by Samuel Bamford ; Baskerville's Practical Germ in Grammar; Poems, by R. 13. Healey. Houlstonl Wright-The Family Friend ; Labour and Wait, by Emma J. Worboise; Theological Works of J. H. Hinton. Smith, Elder, and Co.—Cushions and Corners, by Mrs. R. J. Greene; Dunmara, by Ruth Murray ; Campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, and dm., by Captain C. C. Chesney. Vol. IL J. Maxwell and Co.—The Phantom Cruiser, by Lieutenant Warneford ; Barry 013yrne, by Annie Thomas, 8 vole.; Misses and Matrimony, by Captain W. W. Knollys; the Dobbs Family in America; Spell-Bound, by M. A. Bird. Longman and Co.—The Philosophy of Health, by Suuthwood Smith; the Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson; Eternal Punishment and Eternal Death, by James W. Barlow,