Maud Neville. (smith, Elder, And Co.)—a Goodyish Story,...
as readable as that kind of thing usually is. The heroine is of course a model of dignified good sense, of course falls in love with a roue colonel, of course does not marry......
The London Abnanack And Commercial Record. For The Year...
(William Fullar).—A handsomer volume than the public often rceeives at the hands of the publishers of almanacks. Paper, type, and bind- ing are all excellent. Besides the......
Which Is The Winner? By Charles Clarke. (chapman And Hall.)—
A clevar, readable novel, full of incident and of characters which, if not very interesting, are at least natural. Mr. Clarke writes very much as Mrs. Gore would have done had......
A Selection Of Psalms And Hymns. Arranged For The Service
of the Church of gngland. By the Rev. Charles Kemble. The Music selected, arranged, and partly composed by Samuel Sebastian Wesley. (John F. Shaw and Co.)—Mr. Kemble's selection......
How To Manage It. By Hindus Thomas Prichard. (bentley.)—a...
striking historical novel, containing by far the most vivid picture of the Indian mutiny yet presented to the public. It is deformed by that excessive dislike, almost hatred, of......
Books Received.
John Russell Smith.—Thom's Notelets on Shakespeare. Hooper and Cull.—Royal Insurance Company's Almanack. Saunders, Otley, and Co.—The Lay of the Alabama. Routledge, Warne, and......