24 DECEMBER 1887, Page 2

Lord Randolph Churchill has gone to SL Petersburg, and as

the weather is severe, and he is never very strong, all kinds of gossip is current as to his motives. He intends, it is

reported, to explain to the Czar that even if Lord Salisbury favours the League of Peace, the English people do not, and that he will, if necessary, stir them up to refuse any interference in Continental affairs. According to another account, he is to. explain to the Czar England's real ideas upon Bulgaria ; aqd according to a third, be only intends to ascertain on the spot the drift of Russian ideas as to war or peace. Any one of these explanations is possible, but the first two greatly exaggerate the influence of Lord Randolph Churchill. All experience shows that a democracy either follows its leaders upon foreign affairs, which is its usual course, or follows some instinctive impulse of its own, often, but not always, a wise one. We very much doubt if Lord Randolph will commit the unpardonable offence of intriguing in a foreign Court against the policy of his own Government, he knowing quite well that the Crown, which endures, would punish him some day or other ; and think it much more probable that he has gone to learn, if he can, at first-hand what all these war rumours mean.