Mr. E. Lyulph Stanley, Appointed To Investigate The...
the Cardiff Savings-Bank, has sent in to the Treasury a most hopeless report. He finds that the Bank had been defrauded by its actuary, Mr. R. E. Williams, for twenty yeers. His......
At The Conference Of Delegates Of The National Liberal...
at Gloucester, on Tuesday, the Rev. William Tuckwell, speaking on the allotments question, made a state. meat of far greater interest than any made by the purely political......
The Accuracy Of The Reports As To The Gold-field Said
to have been discovered in Wales still requires confirmation, previous explorations there having resulted in disappointment. The owner, however, from his letters seems to dream......
At The Same Conference, Sir William Harcourt Made A Speech
which seems to us a mere burst of political wrath against the Liberal Unionists. He represented the gist of Lord Salisbury's speech at Derby as being this :—" Ireland has been......
The College, It Would Appear From Lord Granville's...
begun modestly with only twenty-eight students,—though it will accommodate nine times as many. Nevertheless, it would have been very difficult to arrange for any large number at......
The Daily Reports From San Remo Are All Of Them
favourable as are also the extracts published from the letters of the Crown Prince himself. It is, however, unhappily the fact that his health is a subject of speculation to......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 1011 to 101ixd.......
Mr. Mackonochie, The Devoted Ritualist Clergyman,...
Holborn, about whose Ritualist practices the Eccle- siastical Courts were so much exercised a few years ago, was frozen to death near Loch Leven on Thursday week, and found in......
Sir Edward Watkin Is A Sanguine Man. In His Speech
to the shareholders of the South-Eastern Railway on Thursday, he held out great hopes of carrying the Channel Tunnel Bill next Session, on the ground that Mr. Gladstone favours......