24 DECEMBER 1887, Page 26


Abiding in Thee: a Selection of Poems, imp eq (Hawkins) 2;6 Apologia ad Hebraeos, the Epistle (and Gospel) to Hebrew., by Zenon (Clark) 10/6

Bacon (T. AL The Beginnings of Religion : an Essay, Soo (Rivingtons) 15,6

Baker (J. G.), Handbook of Fern Allies, 8vo (13011) 5,6 Beaumont and Fletcher, edited by J. Strachey, Vol. L. or 8vo (Visetelly) 2/6 Bowen(F. O.) & S. Vine, Practical Instrnetion in Botany, Pt. IL (Macmillan) 4,6

Corneille's Mona, translated by J. A. Prout, or ern (Cornish) i 5/0 Daly (J. B.), Ireland in the Days of Dean Swift, &e., cr 8vo(Chapman it Hall 5,0

Da Boisgobey (F.), Sealed Lips, cr 8.8 (Visetolly 2/6 Franklyn (H. B.), Great Banta of 1870, &c., 8vo (Trahner) 15/0 Garlanda (F.), The Fortunes of Words &e., l2mo (Telmer) 4/6 Garment of Pmise, and other Poems, imp sq (Hawkins) 36 Hepburn (T.), Free-Church Minister, by 8. F. F. Veitoh, 2 vols. (A. Gardner) 21/0

Hoffmann (A. A.). Could He do Better? 3 vole. or 8vo (Hurst A Blacken) 31/6

Homiletic Mairaame, Vol. XVI., 8vo (Nisbet) 7/6 Haworth (H. H.), The Mammoth and the Flood, 8vo S. Low) 18/0 In the Service of the King, by F. R. Hammel, he (Drone) 2/6 Irish Problems es Viewed by a Citison, 12mo (Hatcher.) 2.6

Keyaer (A.), An Exile's Romance, or 8vo -Visetelly) 76

Lanford (I.), Fairy Life and Laughter. no (Simplon) 3/6

Letters from Ireland, 1886, by Special Correspondent of the Time .. (Allen) 2/6

Lott (Pierre), An Iceland Fisherman, Sic., or See (Maxwell) 6/0 Loti (Pierre), My Brother Yore. or 8vo (Visetelly) 3/6

McIntosh (13.), Philosophy of the Gospel (Nisbet) 310 Meredith (0 ). After Paradise; or, Legends of Exile, he., Limo (Stott) 3/6

Minot (L.I. Poems, with Introduction, by I. Hall, 12mo ...(OIL Univ Prom) 4/6

Marisa (F. D.), Greek Passages for Unman Translation. 12mo ...(Rivingtons) 2/6- My Lawyer, a Concise Abridgment of Laws of England, or Svc (C. K. Paul) 6/6

Phant (Mrs.l. Madam, or gvo (Longman.) 1/6 Our National Cathedrals, their History, &a., VoL I., 4. (Ward A Lock) 10/6

Platt (B. 31. AL Child's World Ballads, 12mo (IL Stook) 216

Scbweigger (C.), Clinical Investigations on Squint, 8vo (Churehill) 5/0 Smith (J. 11.), Exercises in Arithmetic, limo Psivingtons) 2/0 Songs for Life's Journey, by Newman, Faber, &o., imp sq (Deane) 6/0 Stuart (E.), In his Grasp, cr 8vo (W. H. Allen) 50 Temperance and Jubilee, en Appeal to Young Men, 12mo (E. Stook) 1/6 Tolstoi (L.), My Husband and I, en 8vo (Visetelly) 5/0 T ler (S.), Disappeared, or five (Ghetto A Wind.) 6/0

Wabham (W. J.), Surgery : its Theory and Practice, Mao (Churchill) 10/6

Wickes (W.). Treatise on the Accentuation of the Twenty.. so.oalled Prose Booke of Old Testament, See (Oxford Univ. Press) 106 Winter (J. S.), Garrison Gossip, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 3'6 Youngs (E. S.), The Apotheosis of Autinons, and other Poems -(C. K. Paul) 10,6