Mn D. Croat Thomson has issued for the , third year
in sno- cession his Barbizon Hausa : an Illustrated Record (published by the author at 8 Henrietta. Street, Cavendish. Square), in which.le describes, with excellent photogravures, some of the important pictures that passed through his hands during the year. In view of the rarity of Daumier's oil-paintings, it is surprising to find no less than three recorded here ; one of them, " L'Avocat Triomphant," must be among the best figures that Daumier ever painted. There is a notable J. F. Millet, " Susanna and. the Elders," which has been bought by the Melbourne Art Gallery, also Millais' early and charming " Woodman's Daughter" (of 1850),.which has been bought for the Guildhall Art Gallery. There are two good Rossettis, Burne-Jones's " Paderewski," an unusually fine and early Raeburn, a good, portrait by Maes; and a delightful painting of Nimes by Hubert Robert, the late eighteenth century landscape painter, which formerly belonged to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. The book is interesting to read, and will be invaluable for reference.