24 DECEMBER 1921, page 13


.• [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."3 SIH,—There are many hundreds of farmers in this country who are suffering considerable embarrassment from the absence of water, owing to......

German Indemnities.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—A great danger, hardly yet appreciated, threatens this nation. It is that by hook or by creek, on one pretext. or another, Germany......

Increase Of The Episcopate.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] Stu,—There can be little doubt that any attempt to force on costly schemes for new Sees at the present time can only suc- ceed, as we are......

The Leipzig Trials.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I notice in your review of Mr. Mullins' book, in the issue of December 10th, on the Leipzig trials, that you represent calling a......

The Post Office.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—I am sorry that Mg. Hore-Belisha has such a peer opinion of my intelligence. Perhaps if you will allow me to adopt his method of......