Professor Shafaat Aliwad Khan, who holds the chair of Modern
Indian History at Allahabad University, is doing excellent work, both by his own researches and by training up a school of young Indian historians. He has now inspired his department to establish a Journal of Indian History, appearing thrice a year. (H. Milford, 3 rupees. each.numben) The first number, dated November, is full of interest and promise. The editor himself contributes a good article on the East India trade under the Stuarts, with an account of the sources and some typical documents from the inexhaustible stores in the India Office, the Record Office, the British Museum and the Bodleian, and a further batch of papers illustrating the Company's war with Anrangzeb in 1686. Mr. Beni Prasad.describes the organi- zation of the Mughal Government; Mr. Ram Prasad writes on the administration of Sher Shah, the Afghan conqueror of Northern India ; and Mr. Ishwari Prasad deals with the career of the earlier conqueror, Alauddin, who reigned at Delhi the fourteenth century. The Journal is well written and scholarly in tone ; English readers would welcome a few more dates and would wish that the proofs had been read more carefully.