West Africa the Elusive.. By Alan Lethbridge (John• Bale, Sons
and Danielsson, 18s. net).—Mr. Lethbridge's articles, reprinted from the Daily Telegraph, give a practised traveller's impressions of our West African colonies, especially Nigeria? and the Gold Coast. He takes a most favourable view of their prospects and recommends young, active and sober men to consider the possibilities. of West: Africa. Since he wrote the cocoa trade has ceased to be such an easy road to wealth as it was after the Armistice, but it is still of great importance to the Gold Coast. Mr. Lethbridge speaks highly of Lagos as a healthy and attractive town. He gives an interesting: descrip. tion of Kano, which is now only forty-eight hours' journey by train from Lagos, and of the Bauchi tin-mining country. There are a few illustrations and a map.