24 DECEMBER 1948, Page 16


Sra,—Mr. R. H. Cecil, in his article The Increase in Crime in your issue of December 10th, says that Miss Margery Fry and Lady Allen of Htirtwood have between them disposed of my suggestion made in a recent letter to The Timis that " nationalisation carries the inference that ownership is sin." But the letter in question, signed by Dr. Alan Maberly and myself, contained no such statement What we said was : " Nationalisation without fair compensation carries the inference that ownership is sin "—which is quite another matter. The misquotation originated in Lady Allen of Hurtwood's letter to The Times dated December 6th. Mr. Cecil, with whose views we are largely in agreement, presumably merely copied it. A mild piotest to Lady Allen, drawing attention to the inaccuracy, brought forth no correction—nor even a reply. The method of misquoting one's opponents, and belabouring them for what they did not say, is perhaps another sign of the times.—