24 DECEMBER 1948, page 16

State Versus School Sir, I Appreciate Dr. Happold's Point Of

view, for in certain respects our ideas are complementary rather than contradictory. I differ from him because I see little hope of the universities accepting the policy that he......

Sra,—i Would Like To Support Colin Mcdonald In The...

that the " moderating process " within the Communist regime is contrary to all experience in countries where Communists have seized power. In Malaya, from which_ country I have......


Sta,—Does Mr. R. Kennard Davis imply that we should take the Authorised Version, or any other English work of its period, as a justification for ungrammatical constructions? If......

The Causes Of Crime

Sra,—Mr. R. H. Cecil, in his article The Increase in Crime in your issue of December 10th, says that Miss Margery Fry and Lady Allen of Htirtwood have between them disposed of......

Christian Humanism

Six,—Prebendary Sanders' letter raises issues which have a practical bear- ing upon life lived in the modern intellectual climate. Yet one cannot help wondering what is the......

The Choice In China

am sorry that Colin McDonald has unavoidably to break off the correspondence. I write now not to make fresh debating points, but in an attempt to distinguish tietween the......