We would call attention to the incidents described elsewhere which
have recently occurred in Rome. They will in all proba- bility be denied with some acerbity and a great appearance of official authority, but we have no doubt whatever of their sub- itantial accuracy. Prince Gortschakoff has, it will be seen, gone one step farther than Count von Bismark, having formally broken off the relations between Russia and Rome. It is believed that this breach will be final ; the Czar, who has already reduced all the clergy in Poland to the position of annuitants, having deter- mined to make it a separatist Church, and found a Bishop to aid him. This idea is the more probable, as orders have just been issued compelling a majority of landholders in Polish Lithuania and the Ruthenian provinces, namely, all who owe money, or have, been " interned," or placed under decrees of sequestration, to sell their estates within two years to Russians only. All these decrees are said to be the work of the new Russian Minister, Nicholas Miloutine, a Russian of Russians, whose idea is a democratic empire directed by the Czar.