Of The Remarkable Debate In The Commons, So Far As
it concerns Mr. Bright's magnificent speech and Mr. Gladstone's most effec- tive and almost pathetic reply, we have spoken in separate articles, and have probably said enough......
The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Proposed On Friday...
the Princess Helena on her marriage, and Prince Alfred, who has attained his majority, though he has not yet, according to custom, been created a Peer. The grant to the Princess......
There Have Been Few Examples Of More Rapid Legislation Than
this Act. Notice of its introduction the next day was given on Friday night in both Houses. On Saturday at twelve Sir George Grey made his statement, and the debate in the......
The Arrests Of " Suspects" Under The New Act Have
been exceed- ingly numerous, and it appears from a letter of Lord Wodehouse read by Sir George Grey that 500 will be seized. Some three hundred persons would seem to be in......
News Of The Week.
T HE event of the week has been the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland. The Houses held an extra sitting on Saturday to pass the measure, which was introduced by Sir......
We Would Call Attention To The Incidents Described...
have recently occurred in Rome. They will in all proba- bility be denied with some acerbity and a great appearance of official authority, but we have no doubt whatever of their......
On Thursday Night Mr. Gladstone Proposed In Committee That A
monument should be erected in NVestminster Abbey to Lord Palmerston, and that the country should bear the expense. He quoted the precedents of Lord Chatham, Mr. Pitt, and Mr.......