Lord Derby has carried his motion for a new Doomsday
Book. 'The Local Government Board has been ordered to send in a -return of the number of proprietors of land in the United King- dom owning above one acre, with the quantity of land owned by -each. We trust the Board will not arrange its list by counties, hut alphabetically, so that property in each of the counties may appear as an aggregate. The Earl thinks the result will show an -enormous number of proprietors, perhaps 300,000, and we dare say he is right ; but it will show something else too,—namely, the enormous proportion of the soil of the country owned by 20,000 -or 30,000 persons. By the way, will his Book enlighten us on a point nearly as interesting to Londoners,—namely, the owner- ship of the Metropolis, and show how much of London the Dukes of Bedford and Portland, the Marquis of Westminster and Lord Portman, own among them ?