24 FEBRUARY 1872, page 3

Of What May Be Called The Thorough Liberals, Only Mr.

Den- -man, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Watkin Williams, and Mr. Fawcett voted against the Government. The chief Nonconformists Members (including Mr. Miall, Mr. Dixon, and Mr.......

On Monday Night Mr. Cross Delivered His Fire At The

Prime Minister in relation to the Collier scandal, and the result was a. debate in which the apologists for the Ministry took ostentatiously moderate ground, and the Minister......

The Attorney-general Concluded His Twenty-six Days'...

case on Wednesday, having spoken at least as much as the first two volumes of Lord Macaulay's history,—much more than any half-dozen printed speeches on record. Mrs. Radcliffe......

Hours Have Been Wasted This Week Over The Parks' Bill,

with no further result than to show Mr. Vernon Harcourt posing in the attitude of Tribune of the Roughs. A valuable amendment intro- duced by Mr. Rylands on Thursday, vesting......

Mr. Harcourt Does Not At All Like Our Defenoe Of

Rotten Row as a spectacle amusing to the democracy which would be spoilt by the admission of street cabs. In a letter to the Times, published on Thursday, he says :—" I observe......

The German Government Has Commenced A Crusade Against...

in Germany. All official orders and decrees in orraine as well as Alsace are to be in German, and in Poland the German tongue is to be taught in all schools. Prince Bismarck has......

The Most Damaging Speech Made Against The Government Was Mr.

Denman's, for he showed that, by some of the House of Com- mons at least, the notion of expressly qualifying the Attorney and 'Solicitor-General for a direct appointment to the......

Lord Derby Has Carried His Motion For A New Doomsday

Book. 'The Local Government Board has been ordered to send in a -return of the number of proprietors of land in the United King- dom owning above one acre, with the quantity of......

Nothing Of Any Importance Has Transpired This Week In...

to the disappearance of the young Russian, Bauer. His father writes to express his conviction that he was connected with a society and has been murdered, and the Russian police......

Prince Bismarck Is Forcing His Bill Enabling The...

appoint lay inspectors to posts hitherto held by ecclesiastics through Parliament with a high hand. He affirmed in his speech of the 9th inst. that the Tories, the Catholics,......

Consols Were On Friday 92f To 92i.


The Latest Swindle Discovered Is A Curiously Clever And...

one. Some one has got up a story that the 1864 pennies are too good, gold having entered into them by mistake, and that the Post Office will give sixpence each for them. The......