Dzierzon's Rational Bee-keeping. Translated from the German by H. Dieck
and S. Stutterd. Edited by C. N. Abbott. (Houlston and Sons.)—Herr Dzierzon is a veteran authority on bee-keeping, a sub- ject about which he began to write in various journals nearly forty ago. The Father of the New Era of Bee-keeping," he has been called ; and this volume, containing, as it does, the later results of his long experience, is worthy of his position. The natural history of the insect is given in outline, the practice is treated at length and in great detail. The value of the work, which is characteristically ex- haustive and complete, is further increased by the notes of Mr. Abbott's. The circumstances of bee-keeping are not quite the same in Germany and in England, and consequently the author's statements and precepts require occasional modification or correction, before they can be practically useful to the English follower of the art.