The Prospects Of English Land.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.') Six,—As the Land Question is exciting such general interest, and our Land System is being so severely tried by agricultural depression, I......
Mr. Spencer's Ethical Views.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE 4. sinscrAToR."1 Sra,—Though it is impossible for correction to overtake error, on all the roads it takes, it may overtake it on a few of its roads - ; and......
The Miles Platting Case. [to The Eorros Or The "speciator."1
beg to withdraw unreservedly what I said of the Bishop of London, in a letter printed in the Spectator of February 10th. I find that in the cases which I had in view, Dr.......
"prevision Of Rain By The Spectroscope." [to The Editor Op
THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—My attention has been drawn to some comments of yours on a letter of mine, published in the Times of Wednesday, February 7th, on the subject of " The......