Sir Wilfrid Laurier, speaking in the Canadian House of Commons
on Wednesday, made fitting reference to the heavy losses suffered by the Canadian contingent in Lord Roberts's advance. The news, he said, at once cheered and saddened their hearts. It showed that the Canadians had received their baptism of fire, that they had helped to bear the heat of the battle, and that their courage had answered all ex- pectations. They were saddened by the loss of twenty of their countrymen, but he went on, "the announcement is BLIC11 as to confirm us still more, if it were possible, in our resolve of doing our fall duty in the present emergency." Sir Wilfrid Laurier's brave words have received a striking illustration in the action of a Montreal resident named Barry, who, on hearing of his brother's death, tele graphed to the Militia Department offering to give up a wholesale business and to take his brother's place, at his own expense, as a sharpshooter in the Victoria Rifles. S'ils tombent nosjeunes heros, La terre
produit de nouveaux.