On Tuesday An Appeal By The Queen To Her Ex-soldiers
to rejoin the colours in regiments to be called Royal Reserve Battalions was published in all the newspapers. As far as it goes that is excellent (though we should have......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Wemyss Intro-
duced his motion for enforcing the Militia Ballot. Though there were some excellent things in his speech we agree on the whole with Lord Lansdowne and the Government in thinking......
In The House Of Commons On Taesday Mr. D. A. - Thomas
moved for a fall inquiry into "the origin and circumstances of the conspiracy against the Transvaal Government and of the incursion into the South African Republic." Both his......
News Of The Week.
T HE war newt:4 of the week has been almost wholly good, but as we write on Friday it is not yet decisive, and till it is decisive we have no right to indulge in heroics. What......
In Natal The News Is Also Promising, Though Not Decisive.
General Buller, after his dogged attempts to get through the Boer lines on the West, has tried the Eastern flank, and with the best possible results. He has not only taken......
* „* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any ease.......