Chinese Successes China has this week won several successes in
her war with Japan ; no end to the war is in sight, and japan, having bound herself to enter into no negotiations with Chiang Kai- shek, must accept a state of perpetual hostilities in which time is on the side of China. On Sunday Mr. Chen-loh, the Foreign Minister of the puppet Government in Nanking, who had left secretly for Shanghai, was assassinated by Chinese gunmen, pour encourager les autres. An attempted Japanese landing in Chekiang, south of Shanghai, was defeated, and an important victory was won by the recapture of the city of Hukow, on the Yangtze, near Kiukiang ; the capture of Hukow enables the Chinese to threaten the Japanese communications along the Yangtze, and the Japanese warships in Lake Poyang. Lastly, sur- prising light is thrown on the situation in North China by the news that General Shih Yu-san has fought his way through the entire Japanese lines from the Province of Shantung into Chahar, in Inner Mongolia. The importance of these successes should not be overestimated ; but they show that, after the deadlock that has been reached, China is able to take the offensive on a limited scale, and that Japan will not be able merely to rest content with what she has already won.