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Lord Halifax's speech and Budget prospects obviously influenced the debate on Monday and Tuesday on the Defence Loan. Attendance was astonishingly poor on Monday, and the debate......
Sir Stafford Cripps' Campaign For A Popular Front Con-...
to agitate the Labour Party ; on Monday it was re- ported that the Labour Party was to be " purged " of his followers, but not even the Labour Executive is likely to take so......
In Last Week's Notes Mr. George Rublee Was Inadvertently...
of as retiring from the chairmanship of the Evian Committee on Refugees. Lord Winterton is, of course, chairman of the committee; Mr. Rublee was Director.......
Building Society Law Mrs. Borders Did Not Exercise Her Able
advocacy in vain before Mr. Justice Bennett, in the case in which there was claim and counter-claim between her and the Bradford Third Equitable Benefit Building Society. Some......
Ministers Replying For The Government At The End Of Debates
are falling into the bad habit of reading prepared speeches and ignoring questions that have been put to them, or arguments to which at least courtesy demands some sort of......
Liberty And Vigilance It Is The Business Of An Organisation
like the National Council for Civil Liberties to be so much on the alert for abuses as to seem sometimes to be looking for trouble. But it is entitled to claim that its......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...
week ago Lord Halifax made his now famous speech to the Conservative Members Foreign Affairs Committee. It seems to have created almost a revolution in back- benchers' minds.......