The Cardinals' Choice The Conclave in Rome in which the
new Pope will be elected will begin on the evening of Wednesday, March 1st, and will be remarkable because the entire college of 62 cardinals will be present. Of the 62, 35 are Italian and 27 non-Italian ; 42 votes decide. As always, the Italian majority can control the election ; but there is certain to be an intense struggle in the Conclave between Liberal and Conservative tendencies, and especially between the various attitudes that can be adopted to the totalitarian States. The presence of all the cardinals at the Conclave is evidence of the immense importance which is attached to the choice to be made. It is likely that the conflict of views will be so keen that a compromise may be effected by choosing a Pope with no pronounced political views, and distinguished by his saintliness and piety : such qualifications are possessed pre- eminently by the Archbishop of Florence, Cardinal Dalla Costa, though it is thought he would take an extremely dog- matic view on matters of doctrine.