One of the tragedies of the present situation in Europe
is the tendency of a new—and necessary—charitable appeal to sidetrack an old one in the public mind. Take the Basque children. Most of those who came to this country have been repatriated; but there are still some 1,700 whose parents are either themselves refugees in France or are at present untraceable. These 1,700 will be sent back in due course, but meanwhile they cannot go naked. Lord Baldwin's Fund has other claims to meet, so the young Basques must look elsewhere. What is needed particularly is clothing for boys of fourteen or thereabouts. Perhaps someone has some. (Address, Basque Children's Committee, 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.
* * * * " Signor Daniele Vare has returned to London from Ron, to resume his duties on the Council for Non-Intervention in Spain."—The Times.
Not for nothing did Signor Vare write The Laughing