Narrative of the Campaigns of the Twenty-eighth Regiment. since their Return from Egypt in 184.1X. By Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Catlett, reattached. late
Major of that Corps. Whittaker and Co.
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briental Memoirs; a Narrative of Seventeen Years' Residence in India. fly James Folly% Esq.. F.R.S. Second Edition. Revised by his Daughter. the Countess
de Moutalesubert. 1n2 yule Berney.
The Manuscripts of Erdely. A Romance, by George Stephens. In 3 vols.
Smith and Elder.
11601011111 of Harmony, Figured Base, and Composition, adapted for SeItInstruction. By J. G. Albrechtsberger, Organist of the Imperial Comb &c. Translated from the German, as augmented and arranged by the Chevalier Von Se)fried. with the Remarks of M. Chorou. Translated trout the lust Paris edition, by Arnold Mer- rick.. Curbs aid Cu.