Vocal Concerts.
"Tna return of a third season does not appear to have brought with it any indications of relaxed exertion on the part of the Vocal Society; as the scheme of the first concert......
Theatrical Novelties.
THE Fitzroy, with its regal patronymic " The Queen's" revived, has resumed some of its original brightness under the management of Mrs. Nzserr. The crimson and white silk......
East India Shipping.
The Earle( F.l!on. Theaker. from Bombay to London, was burnt on the 27th of Sept.in Lat. 10 S. and Lon 77 E. in consetpience of the cotton igniting. The crew and passengers......
A:only Market.
STUCK Excuanot. now/ Airwomen. The present has been a week of r ore importance than any recent one. The Money Market continues very firm. Cousols were on Wednesday as high as......