Serjeant Coleridge has been appointed the new Judge in the room of the lute Sir William Taunton. The Tories offered the appointment to Mr. Bickersteth ; who, like a man of spirit, as he is, refused the favour from such hands. It was a politic move on the part of the Ministry to put him out of the way. Spankie, for the present, base been laid on the shelf.
The Dublin Freeman's Journal says that Sir Edward Sugden has taken a house in Dublin by the month. This looks as if he did not contemplate u long stay in the sister isle. Sir Edward is a prudent and foreseeing man.
Baron Smith has gone to London for the purpose of resigning his office. The learned Baron expresses himself very indignantly at hav- ing been neglected, as be fancies himself, by his new friends the Tories,. Dublin Eceniny Post. [What can Ministers do with the indiscreet old prose'. 2] The resignation of Lord Glenlee, as a Lord of Session in Scotland, has for some time been anticipated ; and should such an event take place, it is not improbable that Sir William Rae, the present Lord Advocate, will receive the appointment. In that case the representa- tion of the county of Bute would become vacant.—Globe.
Lord de Grey has received no less than sir hundred applications for appointments, since taking his scat at the Admiralty Board.—Brighton Gazette. [It would be curious to ascertain how many of these siz hundred applications are connected with the General Election.] We last week announced time annual promotion of ten Clerks to be Pursers ; and, on referring to the length of service of these gentlemen,. we find that the average is at least twenty years, in two or three in- stances extending to twenty-six years. They are all selected, impar- tially, on the score of merit and high testimonials for long and faithful service.—Naval and Military Gazette. [Earl de Grey is trying to "do a little bit of popularity" at this juncture in Tory affairs.] The Duke of Wellington was indisposed on Thursday at Apsley House.— Courier.
The Prince of Orange is suffering from a severe attack of influenza and fever, with great oppresion on his chest. Bulletins are frequency issued by his physicians. The last, at five in the evening of the 20th, states that " His Royal Highness still continues in circumstances that give apprehension." The Princess Lieven is out of health, and has been recommended to try a warmer climate. Perhaps the atmosphere of Almack's is most *Mende to her health, and now that the " dear Duke " is once more Lord of the ascendant, it would be delightful to return to London in a diplomatic and intriguing capacity. The Countess of Leucheres, Dutchess of Berri, was delivered of a daughter in December, at Brandees, in Bohemia; but the infant died • soon after its birth, and the body is now on its way to Italy, to be in- terred in the vault of the Leucheres family.—German Paper.
A report is current of an attempt to assassinate Madame Malibran in Italy ; but whether by a professional rival, or from a despairing anaont, is not stated. It is said that in returning from the performance of Otelle, she was wounded by a stiletto in the throat, in a manner to prevent her ever again exercising her talents, if even her life be saved.
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Antoinette 0 Whow, 0 Qua, the favourite squaw of the Indian Prince Mink Coonse, now engaged in the right royal occupation of ritio-shooting at time Strand and Victoria Theatres, (lied on Sunday. Her maiden name the erudite and exact penny-a-line gentlemen state to have been, lier funeral, on Tuesday, was attended by Messrs. Wallack, Oxberry, and other theatrical-gen- tlemen. The squaw was very handsome, and her husband is furious at her loss.
Lord Brougham, Ex-Chancellor of England, not having been able to cross time Var, on account of the sanitary cordon established by the King of Sardinia, remained for ten days at Cannes; and having dis- covered that our climate was much milder than that of Nice, he pur- chased, on the instant, a domain covered with olive, orange, citron, and other fruit-trees, upon which he means to build a superb chimteau. He has employed time Director of Roads and Bridges of our town to draw out the plans, so that the buildings may be commenced in three months from this time, when his Lordship will return to Cannes. It has given great satisfaction in our neighbourhood that so honourable a personage has become one of our landed proprietors.—Le Tonlonnais. [Lord Brougham is fond of dabbling in all kinds of speculations ; therefore this story nary be true, but it is not very true-looking.] Saturday the will of Mr. Jonathan Peel (uncle to Sir Robert), of Accrington, Lancaster, was lodged in the Archbishop of Canterbury's Court. The personal property of this gentleman (within the province of Canterbury alone) was sworn to be under the value of 600,000/. and a stamp-duty of 7,500/. paid upon time probate. By the will he has left his real estate at Accrington to his eldest son. lie has left behind him seven sons and eight slaughters. the leaves to his wife an annuity of 1,000/. and to each of his daughters and to a son-in-law (time husband of a deceased daughter), the sum of 15,000/. each. To his sons the residue of his property. There are a few trifling annuities, amounting from .5/. to 101. and a sum of WO/. to be divided amongst different charitable institutions.—Globe.
The Chairman of the. Middlesex Sessions, Mr. Botch, has sud- denly lost his sight. The affliction is similar to that under which Mr. Bvng, M. P., suffers, but there is doubt in either case of the organ of vision being restored.—herald.