An alarming fire broke out on Thursday night in the
house of Mr. Deane, a linendraper and hosier, at the corner of Duncammon Street, West Strand—one of the new houses, the beauty of which has attracted so much attention. The fire is supposed to have originated in the shop. No lives were lost ; but all the stock and furniture are destroyed.
Some persons had the temerity to venture on the ice in St. James's Park, on Wednesday, though warned of the danger by persons em- ployed for the purpose. The ice gave WIN where two lads were amusing themselves; and they were with difficulty saved from being drowned.
On Sunday evening, a boy between five and six years of age, the son of a tradesman, living in Peter Street, Westminster, was playing with a piece of lighted paper, during the temporary absence of his parents from the room, and set fire to his dress ; he was most shockingly burnt, and died soon after being carried to the Hospital.
As Mr. Hume's procession on Mondmiy was passing the Broadwriy, Hammersmith, a rush was made by a party of " lightfingered gentry ;" during which, Mr. Champion, a gentleman residing at North Brixton, Surry, was hustled and robbed of a valuable watch and seals, his hat having previously been knocked over his eyes. The robbery having been observed by several persons, the culprits were instantly pursued ; and after a chase for some distance, the man who had taken the watch was secured, but his companions, to whom he had handed the property, effected their escape.