24 JANUARY 1914, Page 13


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Sin—Pray induce your correspondent " R. S. V. P." (Spectator, January 17th) to amplify his interesting contribution to the history of "the illustrious 93rd Regiment," as he very pro- iserly calls it. That successive Governments should have Ignored the services of the 93rd at Waterloo was only perhaps to be expected; even those of the famous William—or "Bill" —Adams have never received official recognition. It is more surprising that the regimental historians—bribed no doubt by some rascally Duke—all concur in representing that neither of the two battalions, of which the 93rd in 1815 consisted, took any part in the Waterloo Campaign. Is it too late to have these misrepresentations corrected and the services of the 93rd at Waterloo properly recognized 7-1 am, Sir, &c., H. J.