He Also Dreamed Of Arterial Roads, 120 Feet Wide, With
tracks for slow and swift traffic, the abolition of tramways, a belt of green round London, a great monument to Shakespeare on Primrose Hill, and the protection of Old London.......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
Jan. 22nd. Consols (2-1) were on Friday 74—Friday week 72.......
We Much Regret To Record The Death Of Lord Strathcona,
which occurred on Wednesday, in his ninety-fourth year—at least Lord Strathcona believed that that was his age, though some of his friends maintained that lie was two years......
Speaking At The Dinner Of The London Sooiety On Tuesday,
Sir Aston Webb, RA., drew an attractive, if fantastic, dream. picture of London in 2014. From the city of his dream smoke and dirt were banished, there was salmon and trout......
• The End Of The Dublin Strike Is Now In
eight. On Monday about seven hundred dockers and other labourers resumed work for three of the principal shipping companies and for the Dublin Port and Locke Board, having given......
We Greatly Regret To Have To Record The Loss On
Friday week of the Submarine 'A7,' with her crew of eleven officers and men, in Whitaand Ray, off Plymouth. Thu ' A7 ' was engaged in torpedo exercises, and the officers of the......
In Connexion With The Advertising Of The Army, Colonel...
sends a pertinent letter to Monday's Times. Being in a position to provide permanent employment for several ex-soldiers, he receives weekly visits from Reservists, "many of them......
The Action Taken By The Commissioners Of Works Under The
Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act, by which the house at No. 75 Dean Street, Soho, is placed under their protection for a period of eighteen months, must give......
The Proceedings In The Canteen Ease Opened At Bow Street
last Saturday before Sir John Dickinson, the Chief Metro- politan Magistrate. The defendants, eight of whom are Quartermasters holding honorary commissions or Sergeant. Majors,......