READABLE NovEra.—The Happy-Go-lucky di - organs. By Edward Thomas. (Duckworth and Co.
6s.)—The Morgans are a most delightful Welsh family, who live at Baiham, and, thanks to Mr. Thomas's little sketches, and in spite of his tendency to repetition, we love them all, individually and col. lectively.—The Stranger. By A. C. Farquharson. (Oxford : B. H. Blackwell. 2s. 6d. net.)—Some will call these little stories mystical and beautiful; others will feel, with the writer, that "speech serves best those who have naught to say." But all will agree that the speech at least is finely wrought —A Tatter of Scarlet. By S. It. Crockett. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—Mr. Crockett's keen, fresh writing carries us swiftly through this rather prolix story of adventure and romance during the Commune of 1871.— Knockinacreen Days. By Jackson C. Clark, (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—These episodes of life in an Ulster village are described with what is known as "rich Irish humour," mingled with a certain amount of real comedy.