24 JANUARY 1936, Page 1


KING GEORGE'S life moved peacefully to its close on Monday. Like his father he died in the last minutes of a dying day. Like him he spent some of his last hours sitting in an armchair in his room, and like him he was able to_sign a State document on his last day of life. King Edward died in Buckingham Palace, King George in the country home King Edward bought. The swiftness of the King's illness outstripped 'even the nation's fears. On Wednesday he was out riding, on Saturday the first announcement telling of bronchial catarrh with " signs of cardiac weakness which must be regarded with some disquiet " appeared, but the infre- quency of the bulletins, and the mention on Monday morning of " a more restful night," had encouraged an optimism suddenly extinguished by the announcement seven hours later 'of " diminishing strength," and in the event the King failed by six .minutes to outlast the day. In him has passed from the earth the very mould and pattern of -.a constitutional monarch, wise, courageous, considerate, unaffected, simple. Whether he was a great man those vilo will may dispute. That he was a man great in kingship, if greatness in kingship consists in a faultless discharge orthat high office, belongs to the realm of facts indisputable. Linked with him in sympathy through his long illness seven years ago, and in rejoicing by the Jubilee celebrations- of last summer, his subjects everywhere have felt in his death the chill of a personal loss.
