24 JANUARY 1936, page 16

Marginal Comments

By ROSE MACAULAY P ERUSING the articles in my daily and weekly . journals, I read very frequently of shrieks and cries. The other day, having learnt from various news- papers......

These Yellow Sands

By E. L. WOODW N.RD A I. S a child had always been a little afraid of Swanage. I was told that Special Services for Children were held on the sands. On week-days. Now I may say......


LONELY the long watch and the water's Music on the enormous shores, Lonely the isles and eastern stars, ' Vega, the Lyre, the Seven Sisters : Under her hair, her ivory hands,......

A Hundred Years Ago

" THE SPECTATOR," jANITARY 23RD, 1838. LONGEVITY OF ENGLISHMEN. SIR—However fatal the severe weather of winter generally proves to individuals of advanced age, the present......