Q. I am a 46-year-old male. My partner has suggested
visiting a local 'Showgirls' revue. She did not explain exactly why. Perhaps it is a test to see howl react. `Quizas, Quizas, Quizas', as Doris Day once sang. If we attend, how should I respond to a nubile 18-year-old gyrating nether-naked only inches away? Should! drool lasciviously, suavely appear indifferent, smile with a worldly condescension passing for vague but polite appreciation of the nubile's dancing merit, or suggest a quick retreat to a Novotel for a cognac and quiet philosophical conversation?
S.G., by email A. It is a mistake to attend such performances at all, but to do so in the company of a romantic partner is an even graver error. The result will be that you thenceforth view all intimate congress with this partner through an indelible filter of concupiscence. You should not risk sullying a wholesome relationship by viewing vice in each other's presence.