24 JANUARY 2004, page 27

Respect For Rab

From Dr Bleddyn Jones Sir: Geoffrey Wheatcroft's stimulating article (`The end of the Etonians'. 17 January), which commemorated kin Macleod's Spectator account of the......

Mars Reacts

From Professor Donald C. Watt Sir: John Laughland seems to believe that conspiracies are entirely the work of White Anglo-Saxon power-mongers CI believe in conspiracies', 17......

Read It Online

From John O'Byrne Sir: Although Stephen Glover argues that the introduction of the tabloid format has reversed the recent 'alarming' decline in circulation both of the Times and......

Twisted Truss

From Benedict le Vay Sir: The Trussites have hit me but I have not sunk (Letters, 17 January). Here's a salvo in reply. To quote more examples from the book, Lynne Truss talks......

Rapidly Wrong

From Guy Chapman Sir: I note that Paul Smith of SafeSpeed has asked for a correction on the grounds that 'my reputation, as a serious researcher and road-safety campaigner, is......

Sinister Interest

From Dr Theodore Dalrymple Sir: I stand corrected by Mr Shakespeare (Letters, 17 January). But I should imagine that Mr Blair was interested in the Aztecs more for their human......