Bristol aspires to a University, or rather an Owens' College,'
of its own. On Tuesday, a deputation from Bristol, consisting of the Dean of Bristol, Dr. Percival, the Head of Clifton College, and Mr. Budd, waited on a meeting of certain Members of the Houses of Lords and Commons, in the Conference-room of the House of Commons, to explain what is desired and needed for the pur- poses of a Western University of the more practical or Owens- College type. Seventeen thousand pounds have been raised already, and forty thousand in all are wanted for the purpose of the new foundation. There would be wanted a Professor of Chemis- try, with a full laboratory ; a Professor of Engineering, a Profes- sor of Mathematics, a Professor of the classical languages and Greek and Roman history, and teachers of French and German. Balliol and New Colleges, Oxford, are each to provide £300 a year towards the scheme, and therefore, we suppose, to take some responsibility in selecting the trustees. The difficulty seems to be in relation to philosophy and religion. The scheme is in- tended to include both Nonconformists and Churchmen, and it is necessary, therefore, to keep clear of controversy. We sus- pect that these rapidly multiplying middle-class Colleges will bear witness to the much-criticised sagacity of Mr. Gladstone in keeping his proposed Irish University clear of controversial sub- jects. On condition that Bristol does so, we should think the needful 123,000 will be easily raised, and if not, not. This is a crippling but necessary condition of social unanimity. for projects of this kind.