Cloth Of Gold, And Other Poems. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich.
(Routledge.)—Mr. Aldrich's name is beginning to be known on this side of the Atlantic. He may be said to belong to the school of Mr. Long- was permitted to gain her. But......
Dolores. By Mrs. Forester. 3 Vols. (hurst And...
has tried a bold experiment. Her heroine is one of whom she would not have us think any harm, but this same heroine loves, or says that she loves, three men in succession, and......
Remains Of Lost Empires. By P. V. N. Myers. (sampson
Low.)— This volume contains the observations of a traveller among the ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, and some historical ob- servations on the subjects......
Current Literature.
The Lives of the Saints for August. By the Rev. S. Baring - Gould.. (Hodges.)—Mr. Baring-Gould, who does not happen to fall foul of any Protestant or other evil creatures, has......