The Report of the Select Committee of the House of
Commons on the New Forest has been issued this week. It consists of a series of Resolutions, the most important of which propose that the ancient ornamental woods and trees shall be carefully pre- served, and the character of the scenery be maintained, and that the powers of enclosure conferred upon the Crown by statute shall be exercised only over that area of the Forest which has been already enclosed under such powers. The effect of these Resolu- tions is to prevent the extension of the plantations, which, until 1871, were rapidly improving the Forest off the face of the earth, and to leave the public in the enjoyment of the most beautiful tract of open forest-land in the United Kingdom, some say, in the world. It is to be regretted that the Committee did not complete their work by recommending the transfer of the Forest from the management of the Office of Woods to more appreciative guardian- ship. Perhaps the Government will gracefully supply this omis- sion, in the measure by which we suppose they will give effect to the conclusions of the Committee next year.