24 JULY 1909, Page 1

The Tokio correspondent of the Times says in Tuesday's paper

that the Japanese are becoming increasingly indignant at the failure of China to answer Japanese communications on the various points at issue between the two countries. The newspapers declare that Japan, while anxious for a friendly settlement, cannot exercise unlimited patience. They urge the Government to wait no longer than the end of this month. A message from the Peking correspondent printed in the same paper explains the unfortunate lethargy of China.. Prince Ching, the President of the Chinese Foreign Office, has persistently ignored his duties, and has not visited the office for years. He accords rare audiences to the repre- sentatives of the Great Powers at his private house,—on an average less than one audience yearly. The dismissal of Yuan-Shi-Kai, who did enlightened and industrious work in Chinese foreign affairs, may soon prove to have been a very expensive act.