Charles I. And The Church.
[TO THE EDITOR 01 THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR, — In your kindly notice of my book, "Our Island Church" (Spectator, July 17th), you direct my attention to "the offer made by this......
School Cricket.
[To THR EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—A recent visit to one of our great public schools has strengthened my conviction that public-school masters, while condemning and......
[to Thz Editor Or Tue " Sprotator.1 Sir, — We Had A
bay horse for twenty-four years in regular work in Ireland. He was known to be at least four years old at the time we bought him. Latterly we let him have only ' light work,......
The Saturday-to-monday Habit.
[To TIER EDITOR OF THE " SrlICT.LTOR."] Sus,—Whether the practice of resorting to " week-ends " be decried or advocated, it is generally referred to as a modern innovation. Yet......
Shamming Lameness. [to Th E Editor 07 The " Specta
TOR."] SIR,—A horse I rode in Australia, 'Sportsman,' was very fond of shamming lameness when he was sulky. I have sometimes in the course of a ride got down two or three times......
"rule The Roost."
[To TEE EDITOR OF THU "SrZOTLFOlt." . 1 SIR, — In last week's Spectator you use the words "rule the roost." I wonder if any of your readers can explain the origin of the phrase.......