In defence of Lennon
Sir: Mr John Lennon and Miss Yoko Ono complained on television (Michael Parkinson show, July 17) that they have been abused by the popular press. On the evidence of their remarks and attitude at that time they do appear to have some justification for their hurt feelings. The couple, Mr Lennon in particular, displayed a quality of wisdom which was not in any way concealed by their successful efforts to ' bag ' Mr Parkinson in a black sack.
As a journalist I can see how my distant relatives in Fleet Street must rub their chubby hands with glee each time the Lennons utter or act.
But we must take them seriously, I think. They are, I believe, in touch with a greater understanding of what is wrong in this world of ours than we could reasonably expect of them by reading those newspapers which inform the huge majority of us. May I suggest that the time has come for The Spectator to moderate its now hy lterical defence against the EEC, with which I agree (for purely nationalistic reasons), and invite Mr Lennon and Miss Ono to show that there will soon be no worthwhile world for Europe, with or without Britain, to be part of.
Laurence Cummins 29 Greenstead Road, Colchester,