Wage-cost Inflation
Sir: Whether our present wagecost inflation "would have galloped away much faster if the Government had not applied with such dogged persistence its deescalating policy in the......
Repeal This Act
Sir: Although we are aware that the Race Relations Bill was introduced to protect the immigrant population, it should surely cover the indigenous people also. Mr Harold Soref,......
Cult Of Teenagers
Sir: John Rowan Wilson is probably right in asserting that psychoanalysis had never exerted such an influence here as in America. Nevertheless an oversimplified and distorted......
Of Fish And Flesh
Sir: Re the fondling probable Indian of dubious sex and his/her very white girl friend, whose public caresses in front of Cambridge fishermen were so frankly described in ' The......
What's In A Name?
Sir: With the publication of Mr Wintergreen's letter in your issue of July 10, no one can have any doubts as to the correct name of the prospective Conservative parliamentary......
Joseph Lee On John Casey On Edward Norman On Modern Irish...
Sir: John Casey detects misrepresentations in my review of Edward Norman's A History of Modern Ireland (July 3). It is Casey, not I, who is guilty of misrepresentation. Casey......