The King of Hanover visited the Queen Dowager at Windsor
on Wednesday, Her Majesty is much better than might have been ex- pected, and dined with her household on Wednesday. It is uncertain where she will reside. According to the Parliamentary provision made for her, she will have Bushey Park, Marlborough House, and 100,0001. a year ; but the interior of Marlborough House will not be fit for her reception for three months. That building has been recently under repair, It is said that Queen Adelaide may perhaps go to Frogmore, but more probably to Bushey Park.
Preparations for the funeral of the late King are in progress at Windsor Castle. The body has been embalmed ; and will lie in state, ia the Waterloo Gallery, from the 3d to the 0th of July; when, it is understood, the funeral will take place.
Orders for mourning, which commenced for the Court on Thursday, and for the public this day, appeared in supplements to the Gazette on Wednesday.