24 JUNE 1837, page 13

The Arts Of Carrying Letters And Making Enemies.

Tire Post-office, we imagine, is not a sacred part of the constitu- tion; not fundamental, or organic ; not tabooed for those even who would touch nothing that has come to us......

The Church Faction Already At Work.

I:v the Standard of Thursday, we find the following form of an address to the Queen. "TO THE QUEEN ' S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. " Most Gracious Sovereign—We,your Majesty's most......

Topics Of The Day.

THE STATE OF THE MINISTRY. THE King's death has saved the MELBOURNE Ministry : saved them from destruction by an adverse vote in the Commons; saved them from another beating in......

The King Of Hanover A British Privy Councillor.

" THAT no foreign prince or potentate bath or ought to have power or authority within this real in," is a political axiom in every independent state—a common self-evident......